Collective Achievements
Above: Representatives of feminist and social organizations
Below: Press Conference, Monday, October 11, 2021, Guatemala City Nitza Segui, President Latinas en Poder
Sixty-one women's organizations and 500 women leaders in seven countries participated in the Summit. We visited 13 communities and dialogued with more than 250 women. It was an amazing experience, full of warmth and commitment to continue working together.
We are presenting a special Report or Briefing to the US Congress during the last week of March 2022.
Press Conference: Monday, October 11, 2021, Tegucigalpa, Honduras Katy Gil, Northeast Region Director (NY, NJ, Penn)
The Transnational Women's Summit for Equality, Inclusion and Social Justice Was Held in Seven Countries Simultaneously
Estados Unidos, México, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica and Puerto Rico.
Amid de pandemic, we implemented bio-security measures, with a limited number of women leaders participating in situ (18 per country), while many representatives of organizations and leaders participated online.
Our dialogue was inclusive, with the participation of women of diverse racial and ethnic groups from rural communities, academic experts, representatives of international organizations and governments, researchers, and legislators.
Garifuna leaders gathering in San Pedro Sula, Honduras
Our Panelists
Dra. Úrsula, Roldán,Institute on Migration, Landivar University, Guatemala
Vavita LeBlanc, UNFPA, Haití
Leticia Teleguario, UNWomen, Guatemala
Celia Medrano, Human Rights Expert, El Salvador
LegislatorZuniga Cáceres, Honduras
Assembly Natalia Fernández, Nueva York
Senator Ana Irma Rivera Lassen, Puerto Rico
Tenzin Dolker, AWID
Visits and Dialogues with Women in Communities
Women entrepreneurs in the solidarity economy, Guarjila, Chalatenango, El Salvador
A CRIPDES project. (Click here to read their story)
Women workers in the maquila industry, embroidery, Panchimalco, El Salvador
A project for labor justice by Mujeres Transformando (Click to read the story)
Leadership Development Project, Amatitlán, Guatemala
A project with the municipal instance of women with support Fundación Avina (Click to read the story)
Economic training project with the municipal instance of women with support Fundación Avina
Rural community, municipal project of the Amatitlan women's instance, financed by Fundación Avina, Guatemala
Lenca Community, Yaramanguila, Intibucá, Honduras Coffee Project
Patronato, Corozal Honduras
Garifuna and Honduran leaders group
Humanitarian Crisis, Tapachula, Southern Border, Mexico
Lideresas Cafami, Tlaxcala. m
Roundtable Dialogue on Spiritualities
Rountable of Dialogue with Women Chimaletenango community, (Click to read the story). Entrepreneurship project sponsored by CARE