Second Transnational Women's Summit
October 26-28, 2022
Second Transnational Women's Summit, October 24-28, 2022
A Call for Participation at the Second Transnational Summit.
October 24-28, 2022
“Women Caretakers of the Lands and Territories: Challenges and Strategies for Economic, Climate Justice and Technologies for the Common Good.”
The participation and commitment of the compañeras who attended the First Transnational Summit were impressive. Amid the full COVID 19 pandemic, we gathered in seven countries simultaneously, dialogued with women at the grassroots in four countries, organized 12 roundtable discussions, and weaving actions throughout the year for equality. Join us!
Below you will find the registration form.
Background. At the First Summit, we met during the week of October 11-15 to delve into the significant challenges that women and girls face in our countries of origin and why we are forced to emigrate, leaving everything behind, and what we love. We encourage dialogues between diverse leaders of feminist and social organizations and Mesoamerican, Caribbean, and Latina leaders during this process. We visited thirteen communities and dialogued with indigenous women, campesinas, Garífuna, migrant and Haitian women, and leaders on Mexico's southern border. In addition, we created a collective Manifesto and a route for follow-up and continuity of work in continuous dialogue and political advocacy actions such as the Briefing to the US Congress on the State of the situation regarding women in Central America and the launch underway at the Edna Viruel-Fuentes Transnational Feminist Training School.
The Second Summit is part of a set of intersectionalities that today are crucial for our survival, both as defenders of our ancestral lands and territories: against the exploitation of natural resources, sources of economic sustainability, labor exclusion, individual and collective property titles, as well as technologies that do not facilitate our collective well-being.
The expulsion, violence, and murders of the bodies of indigenous, black, rural caretakers of forests, lands, and territories are not new. There´s no news that the colonial, capitalist, patriarchal, and prosecutorial proposal to our Continent was and continues to be unacceptable, unbearable, and unsustainable.
This call aims to understand the situations experienced by women defenders of their lands and territories and the proposals for the transition towards a green, decolonial feminist economy based on ancestral knowledge.
We hope you enjoy the story that is separated from the poster of this call.
Proyecto Solidario de Mujeres para la Soberanía Alimentaria y Sanación de CRIPDES, Chalatenango El Salvador. Diálogo Comunitario, Primera Cumbre Transnacional.
Mujeres Lencas, Yaramanguila, Intibucá, Honduras. Primera Cumbre Transnacional.
The Modality of the Summit
Date: October 24-28, 2022
Modality. The modality will be hybrid, face-to-face, and online, simultaneously in the United States, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, and Puerto Rico.
October 24th: Through conversations and dialogue, we will explore the state of the situation and resistance of women and feminist organizations, women in political spaces, defenders and guardians of territories, their lands, nature, and intersectionalities in the context of economic justice and climate, caring for our bodies, violence, discrimination, forced displacement and actions against extractivist companies, the corporate capture of states to the struggles on climate change governance, food sovereignty, among others. We will also discuss accountability mechanisms and technologies that promote the common good.
Garifuna Women in Corozal, Honduras 2. Post Summit Meetings, Guatemala, January, 2022.
October 25th. We will conduct thematic training workshops on feminist political organization strategies, self-care, strengthening solidarity-feminist enterprises, defense, political incidence, technologies that favor us, financing for women's organizations, and cultivating an intergenerational approach to the struggle.
Communty visit, Yaramanguila, Intibucá, October, 2021
October 26-27th. We will visit rural communities and cordons of urban poverty, indigenous and Afro-descendants, to dialogue with women, youth and girl defenders, and guardians, to delve into these problems and inequalities, confront corporations, their stories, and their proposals and practices to transform and vindicate the territorial struggles from the healing, economic and climatic and food justice from human rights.
Press Conference, Women's Summit 2021
October 28th. Action Day! We will carry out political advocacy actions in various decision-making spaces in the political and economic context.
We will close the day with reflections on the work carried out during the week; the language for the Feminist Manifesto of the Summit and Commitments for the Collective Actions that will guide us will be circulated.
Please, register there. Click the arrow a the left corner, and the page will fully open. If you have questions, please, contact us at