Feminist Political Observatory
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Highlights of the Results of the Monitoring Process of the Electoral Political Process in Guatemala
Building Political Power: A Call for Accountability and Participation
The Case of Guatemala
Building political power requires more than engagement—monitoring, observing, and understanding the processes and forces that uphold power structures. It also involves examining how and why we demand full participation in the political, civic, and democratic rights that are rightfully ours.
Data and Recommendations from our First Feminist Political Observatory, Electoral Mission in Guatemala.
Please review the results of the data collected with Latinas en Poder's partner organizations during the Guatemala electoral process.
Special recognition to the pivotal support of the Landivariana Women's Network of the Landivar University in making this research process happen!
August 2023
Latinas en Poder Observed the Electoral Process in eleven Departments in Guatemala. Most of the persons interviewed were from Guatemala (24%, Quetzaltenango (16%), Jutiapa (14%), and Jalapa (11.5%)
The ethnic background of most of the interviewed were Ladinas (57%), followed by 34.8% who identified as Indigenous.
36% of women reported to have suffered political violence
Principal violence reported: (1) Criminalization of Judges, (2) Political Violence, (3) Physical Violence, and harassment, (4) Denigrating candidates, (5) Sexist Threats
During the electoral process, the women interviewed identified seven principal issues: low wages (24.1%), lack of access to collective land (19.9%), poverty (17.4%), and political violence (10.5%)
Durante el proceso electoral, las mujeres entrevistadas identificaron siete problemas principales: bajos salarios (24,1%), falta de acceso a tierras colectivas (19,9%), pobreza (17,4%) y violencia política (10,5%).
Guatemalan Women Recommendations to the Newly Elected Government:
Lead with integrity and inclusivity.
Higher level of women's inclusion
Create housing programs to increase family stabilization
Create informational programs to promote land rights and eco-friendly programs to mitigate climate change.
Provide support to families under financial constraints and,
Resume the commitments of the Peace agreements
Radio program: The Feminist Perspective on the Presidential Election in Guatemala
Guatemala in Resistance for Democracy
Photograph taken from the Web.
Second Feminist Electoral Observatory Mission
Presidential and Parliamentarian Elections, El Salvador, February, 2024.
Latinas en Poder and member organization, RACDES, a Network of Organizations in El Salvador, organized the Second Feminist Transnational Electoral Observatory Mission, (our first Observatory in the country). The Delegation was composed of representatives of 20 women's organizations from San Salvador and 10 Departments, principally in rural communities, with the engagement of 20 other organizations (40 total), providing support and feedback to the process in communities.
Latinas en Poder interviewed 125 women, of which 51 represented women's organizations across the country, to take the pulse of the situation in the country. More than 50% stated that they had been victims of political violence or knew a victim of political violence.
Departments Interviewed during the Observatory Mission in El Salvador