Transnational Center for Political, Legal Empowerment, and Advocacy (CEPLIT) 

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Latinas en Poder and Partners Meeting with the Chilean Women's Ministry

Strengthening Partnerships: Addressing Migrant Women’s Challenges in Chile

In May 2023, Latinas en Poder joined forces with our Chilean partners—the Migrant Women Foundation and the Abortion Observatory—to hold a strategic meeting with Ana Peña, Director of International Cooperation and representative of the Migration area at the Women’s Ministry. Continue Reading

(In the Photo, Maria Peña of the Women's Ministry, Yiniba Castillo, Migrant Women Foundation, Carolina Cisternas, de OLA, Milena Meza, de Con las Amigas y en la Casa).

Advocacy Training Session: Con Las Amigas y en La Casa

Working in Groups During the Training Session

The Observatory and Con las Amigas y en la Casa Team, and Latinas en Poder Representative

New Advocacy Steps for Secure Abortion in Chile 

Latinas in Power Participates in the V Meeting of the Network of Rural Women of Latin America and the Caribbean (V ENLAC),  held in Chilean Patagonia during May 2023.

Advocating for Rural Women: V ENLAC Dialogue

As the representative of Latinas en Poder at the V ENLAC, Nitza Segui facilitated a high-impact dialogue with high-level government representatives and the Inter-American Foundation to address the situation and opportunities for women in rural communities.

Latinas en Poder remains steadfast in our commitment to confronting the oppressions rural women face. We work hand-in-hand with our partners to advance their rights, amplify their voices, and ensure their inclusion in decision-making spaces. We will continue to stand as a strong ally of the Rural Women’s Network, promoting their rights and working toward institutionalizing the Decade of Rural Women.

Our most profound appreciation goes to Luz Haro, General Secretary, for her fearless leadership and unwavering dedication to the cause of rural women.

Latinas en Poder at the UN International Dialogue on  Migration in New York, March 2023

Latinas en Poder representatives Nitza Segui & Katy Gil, president of the Afro-descent Women's Association, participated in the United Nations Dialogue on Migration.  Please, click  the document at the right side read our Statement- Spanish, March 2023. 

(In the photo,  Katy Gil and Marcos Antonio Palacios, National Migration Institute, Honduras.)

Palabras LEP Dialogo Internacional sobre Migración

Latinas en Poder Positioning Statement at the IDM, New York, March 2023. Click to open the document --in Spanish

Advocacy Session with US Congress Staffers

Advocacy. Latinas en Poder held a briefing/dialogue with Central American women leaders in the region, staffers from the United States Congress, and female legislators from Central American countries.

We discussed the violation of women's organizations' rights and the root causes that force women and girls to flee their ancestral communities.

Listen to the Latinas en Poder  Report on the Status of Women and Girls in Central America to Members of the United States Congress with our Special Speakers: Celia Medrano, Human Rights Specialist, and activist Dra. Úrsula Roldán, Director at the Research Institute of Global and Territorial Dynamics, Landivar University, Guatemala; Katy Gil, President Afro descent      Women´s Organization, New York; and Nitza Seguí, Latinas en Poder.  Facilitated by Guerline Joseph, Haitian Bridge, California. March, 29 2o22.