Latinas en Poder's Economic Autonomy and Sustainability area supports the creation of feminist economies based on mutualist, cooperative, and other inclusive modalities that support local communities and national and regional economies.  

As previously stated, according to the Inter-American Development Bank, women (in the labor force) earn just 87 cents for every dollar men earn. Women's participation in the labor force in Central America is lower than in other regions of the world. According to Ivanov, Pug-Forne et al. (IMF, 2024), Guatemala and Honduras have lower female labor force participation; in Mexico, it is below 60%. Lack of employment and educational opportunities is related to the economic capitalist and patriarchal models that confine women to the 'kitchen' or home-related activities.  

However, some women in poor rural and urban communities are creating small economic initiatives to help sustain their households, particularly those with limited access to community—or local-based programs.

Latinas en Poder works with 42 women-led economic projects based in urban and rural local communities in Mesoamerica. 


During our last gathering at the General Assembly, Latinas en Poder organized a Women's Expo to showcase the 42 women-led projects, share and learn of each other's experiences, and foment movement solidarity. 

Through our Edna Viruel Fuentes Feminist School and EXPOMujeres, we will continue fomenting economic autonomy and power through knowledge-sharing and product exchanges.


Empowering Financial Autonomy and Sustainability

Latinas en Poder is developing a transformative financial and economic mechanism to promote the financial autonomy and sustainability of movement organizations, women, and their families. By creating pathways for economic empowerment, we strengthen the foundation for lasting change.

Together, we are building a future where women and their communities thrive. 

Stay tuned for what’s to come!

The PICIS Foundation is our vehicle to promote the sustainability and autonomy of feminist organizations.

For additional information please, visit our Web page: www.picisfoundation.org (Spanish Version-for now)